
When was the last time you saw a VHS ...

When was the last time you saw a VHS tape? Can't
quite remember right. First came VCDs, and was later followed by the
wave of new DVD technology that together have revolutionised the
concept of storing and playing back audio and video. The quality of our
home music-listening and movie-watching experience has, since, never
been the same again.

CDs and DVDs, completely transformed media
storage, the VHS box came to an end and in came slim and sleek discs;
that made storage easy and dramatically improved portability. Over
time, they also became relatively cheap, indestructible and re-usable.
The technology was such a great hit that it gave way to a new industry
by itself - home theatre.


Anonymous said...

Soon you will forget seeing CDs. It would be DIVX, DTS, avi, etc.
BPO work from home