
Happy Valentine's Day



Lessons for today’s CEO from Barack Obama

Almost all organisations go through turbulent periods, during which their core capabilities areseverely tested. The turbulence may be caused by factors such assignificant events in the market-place, economic upheavals, dramaticinflection points in the technologies that drive the business, sharpchanges in customers’ needs, game-changing strategies implemented by acompetitor, leadership upheavals within the organisation itself, and soon.These periods can be called “defining moments” in a company’shistory — when the strategies and actions of the CEO, and the manner inwhich the organisation aligns itself to the change strategies,determine whether...

When was the last time you saw a VHS ...

When was the last time you saw a VHS tape? Can'tquite remember right. First came VCDs, and was later followed by thewave of new DVD technology that together have revolutionised theconcept of storing and playing back audio and video. The quality of ourhome music-listening and movie-watching experience has, since, neverbeen the same again. CDs and DVDs, completely transformed mediastorage, the VHS box came to an end and in came slim and sleek discs;that made storage easy and dramatically improved portability. Overtime, they also became relatively cheap, indestructible and re-usable.The technology was such a great hit that it gave way to a new...

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