I love the IPhone, and all its features. The only minus point is the cost factor of the Iphone in India. It costs nearly $700 to $800. Since it is so costly I have not purchased it. Once the price comes down a little or if I am able to lay my hands on a second hand phone, even if it is the old generation phoneI do have the ipod touch so I know that the iphone has lots of apps on it. I am constantly trying to find new apps for it. My daughter uses the iphone, although it isn't hers. Where she is living, a family member has it and she plays on it, and she hopes to get one eventually, but she is with verizon like I am. If I were with AT&T though, it would be the phone I would use. I do have a touch screen phone, and I like mine too. My friend had 2 iphones through AT&T, pre 3G version...