

I love the IPhone, and all its features. The only minus point is the cost factor of the Iphone in India. It costs nearly $700 to $800. Since it is so costly I have not purchased it. Once the price comes down a little or if I am able to lay my hands on a second hand phone, even if it is the old generation phoneI do have the ipod touch so I know that the iphone has lots of apps on it. I am constantly trying to find new apps for it. My daughter uses the iphone, although it isn't hers. Where she is living, a family member has it and she plays on it, and she hopes to get one eventually, but she is with verizon like I am. If I were with AT&T though, it would be the phone I would use. I do have a touch screen phone, and I like mine too. My friend had 2 iphones through AT&T, pre 3G version...


RPG game for the masses | diamondwinter

Diamond Winter is a site created to share with you RPG games created by themselves.They have the downloads available in Their download section.The idea of the site is to help promote RPG games and allow people like you to play them for free. Yes, free!The special thing about this site is that all the downloads are directly from the siteand no torrents or other links...

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