
Find Movies Playing Nearby With Google Mobile Search

Want to find out what’s playing in theaters near you? Or you just want to check out the latest movie trailers? Google mobile search now has a special section that lets you check out movie listings, with locations, trailers, ratings, posters and upcoming showtimes.

To try it out, fire up google.com on your iPhone, webOS or Android device, search for “movies”, and click on the “More movies” link. If you’re not getting any results, it may be because the service is only available in US, UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.You can also browse by theater, which will take you to a map displaying the theaters near your current location. Tapping any theater on the map will display a list of shows now playing. Finally, you can search for a movie or a theater directly.

Check out a video demonstration of this new feature below.