Weather information is most essential part of everyday life since understanding weather facts can help us make our lives a lot simpler. Most of us would be tempted to remain informed about latest weather facts, basic weather constituents and how they affect human and other life forms. Some of us would want to acquire the very basic information on what is weather, how does rain occur or why do climatic changes happen at particular intervals? How does earth’s revolutionary path give rise to day and night?Since we cannot alter the course of weather changes around us we thus need to acclimatize our bodies to the natural phenomenal changes existing in nature. The nature cycle is driven by strong energy forces that largely affect the core of human living. Nature exhibits extreme opposites in a lot of phenomenon such as floods and drought, winter and summer, night and day and more. Thus, Nature clearly balances LIFE. We need to first understand certain weather terminologies to know what Weather means and how does weather really affect us. Atmosphere, Climate, Clouds, Sun, Water Cycle, Temperature Differences, High Tide and Low tides, etc are a few to name.Atmosphere is one of the main concepts in Weather. Atmosphere is primarily a belt of air surrounding earth that absorbs all the harmful ultraviolet radiation and in effect supports all life forms existing on earth. Atmospheric air is a mixture of oxygen, carbon-di-oxide, nitrogen as major constituents and various other gases in fewer amounts. Exosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere and troposphere are the five layers that make the atmosphere. Out of these layers troposphere holds a greater significance from weather point of view as it contains about 80% of the total atmosphere and is closest to earth. Every weather report predicts the climate of a stipulated area. Climatic conditions of a location largely influence the human life form existing there. Humans respond very promptly to extreme weather conditions. Any extreme climatic conditions can make it difficult for humans to survive peacefully. Weather is never permanent. Climate determines the type of weather in a particular place. Climate helps to determine whether a place has a hot or cold weather. Climate of a place depends on several factors such as distance from the equator and the place’s natural topography. In terms of weather reporting, Climate can be largely divided into 5 types – Cold, Cold temperate, Dry, Tropical and Warm temperate. The activities carried out by human beings can cause the climate to change over decades. The process being very gradual can have positive or negative effects. Looking at the clouds the weatherman can guess the weather report for the day. Clouds for a normal human come in basically two types - white or grey. The white clouds tell us that weather is fine today while the grey clouds give us a sense of alarm of a possible downpour. Clouds are also associated with nature’s weather phenomena like thunders, lightning, hail, tornadoes, downdraughts, flash flooding.for more information click here
Arizona is famous for its sunshine, and experts generally agree that the sun can be beneficial. It can provide relief from acne, aching joints and psoriasis, and it is also a source of Vitamin D. Experts also generally agree that the hazards from too much sun outweigh the benefits. Arizona has the highest rate of skin cancer among the 50 states and one of the highest rates in the world!Prolonged overexposure to the sun is the primary cause of skin cancer. Skin cancer is reported in 500,000 Americans each year and 6,500 to 7,500 cases result in death. That is more deaths per year than all other weather factors combined, including tornadoes, hurricanes, heat waves and winter storms. Fortunately, 95% of skin cancer patients are free of the disease once treated. The cure rate would approach 100% if everyone with symptoms sought prompt medical attention.There are no data available regarding either the in-cloud lightning character of storms on arizona or the technical specifications of the chaff being used in military aircraft anti–electronic warfare systems. However, it is hypothesized that this case of severe, but low-lightning, convective storms resulted from inadvertent lightning suppression over south-central Arizona due to an extended period of numerous chaff releases over the military ranges.
Arizona Skywarn Sector 2 (Maricopa and Northern Pinal Counties) Upcoming Event:Nothing at this Time. General Information NET is held every Wednesday night at 8pm on the frequencies of 442.800 + 100.0 South Mountain Linked to 442.850 + 100.0 Shaw Butte. Our back up repeater is 147.080 + 162.2 Thompson Peak. Skywarn ACTIVATIONS are on these frequencies! CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA CRITERIA The following criteria are what spotters should look for when phoning in their reports or contacting net control. They should always call the responsible Weather Service Office when any of the below are noted: 1. TORNADO (on the ground) or FUNNEL CLOUD (tail not touching the ground) 2. ROTATING WALL CLOUD 3. WIND (estimated or measured at 40 mph or more) 4. MICROBURST (visually identified) 5. RAINFALL (1/2 inch (.50) or more in 30 minutes) 6. FLOODING (of any kind) 7. DAMAGE and/or DEATHS and/or INJURIES due to the weather event 8. HAIL (greater than pea-sized diameter 9. VISIBILITY (less than 1/4 mile due to fog, dust, blowing snow or ash) 10. SNOWFALL (accumulating at a rate of 1 inch or more per hour. SPOTTERS SHOULD NOT CALL NWS PERSONNEL WITH ROUTINE WEATHER OR FOR FORECASTS!
Arizona weather is so different from other continents such as asia,africa,australia, also differs from other countries.i love arizona's weather and climate.its cool n bubbly place for living.